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Your friend, who has never been to London, wants to learn more about it. Answer his/her questions.

1. What is the population of London?

2. Who founded London?

3. What was the first name of London?

4. What catastrophes occurred in the 17th century?

5. What parts is London divided into?

6. Where is St.Paul’s Cathedral situated?

7. What is the official residence of the Queen?

8. What sights of interest is London famous for?

9. What is the oldest royal residence in London?

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Ответы на вопрос:


My mom always helps me with my homework

I have never ate Mexican food

I usually wake up at 10 o’clock

My friends often play football

Sometimes people are kind to me

I rarely go abroad

My mom seldom eats fast food

I hardly ever been to Moscow (любой другой город)

I drink tea every day

I go out with friends once a week

My parents make me go to dentist every month

We go abroad every year

My dad has never been to USA

My friend always makes me laugh

Her friends are usually busy, so they barely go out together

Популярно: Английский язык