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Ответы на вопрос:

упражнение 1.

1. Were your children playing hockey all the morning too?

2. Was your sister watching TV all the evening too?

3. Was your brother playing tennis at 2 too?

4. Were you cooking at 9 a.m. too?

5. Were you having a breakfast at 7 too?

6. Were you translating the article from 3 to 5 too?

7. Were you writing a composition from 8 to 10 too?

8. Was her husband working in the garden too?

9. Was her son live in Oxford last summer too?

10. сделать невозможно, т.к. изначальное предложение в настоящем времени.

отметь как лучший ответ

4,8(57 оценок)

Does nick go to the blackboard
Does he answer well?
Does Tom get a five
Do I go home after school at once
Do I go home then
Do I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea
Do I go to the canteen after the second lesson
Do I drink milk
Do I go to the library and change the book
Does Tom know his lesson

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