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A. Plants and animals of that area together with the rocks and the river make up a true wonder that has got beautiful waterfalls and other scenic attractions.
B. The corridors run underground at the depth of sixty metres.
C. Its m axim um length is 9,225 metres, and its maximum width is about 4,000 m etres. The maximum depth is 58.4 m etres and the average depth is 6.9 m etres. In a storm , waves are as im pressive as on a regular sea.
D. The lake is surrounded by mountain slopes with trees, many of which are hundreds of years old.
E. These lim estone hills are the last rem aining traces of the reefs that once existed in what was the M iocene Sea; the reefs were form ed by countless num bers of sea shells.
F. Typical are m aples, Crimean pines, oaks, elms, fur-trees, ashes, white acacias and weeping willows th at grow on the banks of the picturesque pond which is located in the centre of the park.
G. The canyon provides a dram atic view with m ighty rocks stretching across the river in several places!

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