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Make sentences negative and interrogative
1.Kate could play the guitar a year ago.
2. They might see this film yesterday.
3.They could help you with shopping last week.
4.John must look after her little cousin.
5.We may go fishing with Dave.
6.Sam could return me this books yesterday.
7.We will be able to go shopping tomorrow evening
8.He may give you sweets after dinner.
9.Mary must translate this text.
10.I can make a cup of tea for them.
11.You must take care of your sister.
12.The dotor can examine you.
13.Nick could ski last winter.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


might not



might not



Make sentences

1.Kate could play the guitar a year ago.

2. They might see this film yesterday.

3.They could help you with shopping last week.

4.John must look after her little cousin.

5.We may go fishing with Dave.

6.Sam could return me this books yesterday.

7.We will be able to go shopping tomorrow evening

8.He may give you sweets after dinner.

9.Mary must translate this text.

10.I can make a cup of tea for them.

11.You must take care of your sister.

12.The dotor can examine you.

13.Nick could ski last winter.


1.Kate could not play the guitar a year ago.

2. They might see this film yesterday.

3.They could not help you with shopping last week.

4.John must not look after her little cousin.

5.We may not go fishing with Dave.

6.Sam could not return me this books yesterday.

7.We will not be able to go shopping tomorrow evening

8.He may not give you sweets after dinner.

9.Mary must not translate this text.

10.I can not make a cup of tea for them.

11.You must not take care of your sister.

12.The dotor can not examine you.

13.Nick could not ski last winter.

and interrogative

1. Could Kate play the guitar a year ago?

2. Might they see this film yesterday?

3. Could they help you with shopping last week?

4. Must John look after her little cousin?

5. May we go fishing with Dave?

6. Could Sam return me this books yesterday?

7. Will we be able to go shopping tomorrow evening?

8. May he give you sweets after dinner?

9. Must Mary translate this text?

10. Can I make a cup of tea for them?

11. Must you take care of your sister?

12. Can the dotor can examine you?

13. Could Nick ski last winter?

Everyone knows that smoking is extremely dangerous for health. nevertheless, the number of smokers throughout the world is constantly growing. why is inhaling of tobacco smoke so harmful? the answer is evident: it provokes a lot of dangerous and even fatal diseases. for example, it can trigger almost all types of cancer. but why do people continue smoking, if most of them are perfectly well aware of consequences? the reasons can be different, but usually they have a purely psychological nature. some people believe that this procedure helps them to relax, but it is just a self-suggestion, no more. if you don’t smoke, never start to. don’t forget that smoking is a rather insidious addiction. it seems innocent at first, and you are sure that you will give up at any moment. but one day you suddenly realize that you can’t do it. so, think twice before taking an offered cigarette. just think that it can cost you your life!

всем известно, что курение крайне опасно для здоровья. тем не менее, число курящих в мире растет с каждым годом. почему вдыхание табачного дыма так вредно? ответ очевиден: оно вызывает множество опасных и даже смертельных болезней. например, оно может спровоцировать почти все виды рака. но почему люди продолжают курить, если большинство из них прекрасно осведомлены о последствиях? причины могут быть разными, но обычно они носят чисто психологический характер. некоторые люди верят, что эта процедура им расслабиться, однако, это просто самовнушение, не более.если вы не курите – никогда не начинайте. помните, что курение – коварная зависимость. она кажется безобидной поначалу, и вы уверены, что бросите в любой момент. но однажды вы неожиданно понимаете, что не можете это сделать. поэтому, подумайте дважды, прежде чем взять предложенную сигарету. просто осознайте, что она может стоить вам жизни!

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