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Essential for tanner. It is of great importance and interest to the tanner to know what might be considered the minimum that the tanner should know to earn on his business successful in modern times. It is of value for tanner to become familiar with the structure, microstructure. composition and function of the living skin and with the structure and physical properties of characteristics of leather' and their dependence upon chemical composition and the various mechanical operations to which hides and skins are subjected in the course of their manufacture into leather. A tanner should know something of the worldwide sources and availability of hides, skins and various other materials necessary for leather manufacture. It is of great importance to be familiar with the types of damage to which hides and skins are liable, both on the living animal and after slaughter. It is essential for a tanner to understand the operations used in converting raw hides and skins into finished leather and effect of each operation upon the properties of the finished leather. To be really he must learn how to choose the raw stock best suited to make any given kind of leather and how to regulate its characteristics by appropriate adjustments of the chemical and mechanical work done.

Answer the following questions.

1. What must a modern tanner know?

2. To what operations are hides and skins subjected in their manufacture leather?

3. Why is it important to know about the types of damage to which hides and skins are liable?

4. Why to be successful a tanner must know how to choose the raw stock?

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