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Вставьте слова вместо пропусков Пользуясь таблицей 3 и рис. 8, заполните пропуски в следующем тексте:

a. The Intake Stroke.

On the intake ... the intake valve is opened. The piston is moving down,

and a mixture of ... and vaporized gasoline is being drawn into the ... through the

... .... The mixture of ... and air is delivered to the ... by the fuel system.

b. The Compression Stroke.

After the piston reaches ... or the lower limit of its travel, it begins to

move upward and at this instant the ... ... closes. The other valve is also ... so that

the cylinder is sealed. The piston moves ... compressing the ... .

This creates a fairly high pressure within the ... .

c. The power Stroke.

As the piston reaches ... or the upper limit of its travel, an electric spark is

generated at the cylinder spark plug. The spark ignites ... of gasoline vapor and

... . The burning gases expand and force the piston downwards again. The power impulse is transmitted to the engine ... . As the ... moves downward on the power

... , it continues to transmit turning effort to the shaft.

d. The Exhaust Stroke.

As the piston reaches ... again, the exhaust valve ... . The piston moves

upward on the exhaust stroke, forcing the burned gases out of the ... through the

... ... . At the instant that the piston once more reaches ... , the exhaust valve

closes and the ... ... opens so that, when piston begins to move downwards on

the intake stroke, a fresh charge of ... ... and air can be drawn into the ... .

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Ответы на вопрос:

My perfect day there is a good morning. it was beautiful sun, birds was meeting me. as soon as i to admire the mornin i go to the bathroom to relieve my drowsiness. then, i go to the kitchen. in tge kitchen it was very dark: every blinds on window were closed. then i was switched on the light. i saw my family were sat in the chairs with the bitthday cake and they sad: happy ! i almost forgot what today is my birthday! after that, we started to ate cake. when we finished, we are going to the park to celebrate mt birthday. (если я правильно понял, то нужно было написать по ))

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