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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all equally important.


Breakfast is just

as important as

lunch and dinner.

1 Paulo wasn't hungry, so he didn't have any dinner.



he wasn't hungry.

2 When you've finished your peas, you can have pudding.



you've finished your peas.

3 We can listen to a live band playing during the meal tonight.


A live band

we are eating our meal tonight.

4 What clothes do I need to wear to work as a waiter?



clothes I need to wear to work as a waiter?

5 Jack's going to finish the cookery course before he goes back to school.


The cookery course

by the time Jack goes back to school.

6 If people eat a balanced diet, they usually get enough vitamins.


People usually get enough vitamins

a balanced diet.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I  have done  my homework already. я уже сделал . we have no classes today, our teacher  has fallen  ill. у нас сегодня не будет уроков, наш учитель заболел. we haven’t heard that legend мы не слышали этой легенды. i  have talked  to my mother over the phone. –  я  поговорила  с мамой по телефону.    sam  has visited  his close friends. –  сэм  навестил  близких друзей.    mary  has entered  the institute. –  мэри  поступила  в институт.    the dog  has eaten  all its food. –  собака  съела  всю свою еду.    we  have seen  this film already. –  мы уже  видели  этот фильм.    you  have painted  a wonderful picture. –  вы  нарисовали  чудесную картину! they  have left  the building. –  они  покинули  здание

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