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Трансформуйте речення у непряму мову починаючи зі слів в дужках.
Приклад : I will work abroad. (He said . . .)
Відповідь : He said he would work abroad.

1)My family comes from Italy . (She said that . . . )
2)My brother has bought a new bike today. (He said . . . )
3)I am preparing for the English course now! (She said . . .)
4)We will buy some bread for dinner. (Parents said . . . )
5)I visited my grandparents the last weekend. (She said that . . . )
6)It is so wonderful to spend time on the seaside! ( She told that . . . )
7)I was waiting for the interview when manager entered the room. (She said that . . . )
8)I don't like Sushi. ( She said that . . . )
9)I can write a scientific report tomorrow. (He said that . . . )
10)We have never been here before. (They said that . . . )
11)I took my exams several days ago. ( He admitted that . . . )

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Ответы на вопрос:

white and black

Популярно: Английский язык