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Хелп с английским плес ( вторыеые 15 предложений)
16. Ken ..... down when he was climbing over a fence and ….. his trousers.

1) felled, teared 3) had fallen, torn

2) fell, tore 4) was falling, was tearing

17. Unless she ..... her words carefully, she …... in trouble.

1) chooses, will be 3) will choose, won't be

2) hasn't chosen, will be 4) doesn't choose, won't be

18. Robert ..... in tonight, because he ……. loads of paper work to do.

1) will be stayed, is having 3) is staying, has

2) was staying, has 4) will be staying, has had

19. Electric lightning ..... a symbol of civilization ever since Thomas Edison first …...

the streets of New York.

1) is, has illuminated 3) is, had illuminated

2) had been, was illuminating 4) has been, illuminated

20. ..…The mountaineers ..... for five hours before they ..... the top of the mountain.

1) had been climbing, reached 3) have climbed, were reaching

2) had climbed, were reached 4) were climbing, had reached

21. I ..... to the British Council to ask about courses and three weeks later the answer ....

1) have written, came 3) wrote, has come

2) wrote, came 4) am writing, came

22. Unless you ….. the bill, they …... off the electricity.

1) pay, will cut 3) haven't paid, will cut

2) will pay, will have cut 4) won't pay, won't cut

23. The doctors say that Max ..... good progress and ..... an operation.

1) has been made, won't need 3) is making, won't need

2) is making, won't be needed 4) is being made, doesn't need

24. I am glad I ..... from Moris, who …... in Australia for the last two months.

1) hear, is 3) hear, had been

2) have heard, had been 4) have heard, has been

25. He was nervous when he first on a British road because he ... on the left side before.

1) appeared, had never driven 3) was appeared, never drove

2) had appeared, was never driving 4) has appeared, had never driven

26. The crew all ..... from the ship before it ......

1) run, sunk 3) had run, sunk

2) ran, sank 4) ran, had sank

27. Just in case Gregory ..... to contact Jane, I …... him her new address.

1) decides, will give 3) decided, am giving

2) will decide, give 4) will decide, will be given

28. Nowadays fitness ….. a generally accepted principle of life and more and more

people ….. fitness clubs.

1) will become, had joined 3) is becoming, join

2) has become, will have joined 4) becomes, are being joined

29. The manor house ….. on this spot since it ..... two hundred years ago.

1) stands, had been built 3) has been standing, had been built

2) has stood, built 4) has stood, was built

30. By the year 2020 scientists ..... an electric car, so probably people …... gasoline-

powered cars any longer.

1) will have perfected, won't be driving

2) will be perfecting, won't drive

3) will perfect, won't have driven

4) will have perfected, won't be driven

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Эти части являются результатом цепной реакции. 2. Этот фестиваль представляет объективную картину состояния отечественной киноиндустрии. 3. Сиднейский оперный театр - самое известное здание в Австралии.

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