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Complete these sentences using in….or to… Use some of these verbs:
Buy, get, know, look, read, start, hear
Write your answers into each gap.
1. Sally is interested ... her own business.
2. I met Mark a few days ago. You will be interested ... that he’s just got a job in Paris.
3. Sam likes sightseeing. He is very interested ... at historical places.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Sally is interested starting her own business.

2. I met Mark a few days ago. You will be interested to know that he’s just got a job in Paris.

3. Sam likes sightseeing. He is very interested to look at historical places.


10 утвердительных предложений

1      They did it yesterday Они сделали это вчера

2 We played football with the dog Мы играли в футбол с собакой

3 My cat was purple Моя кошка была фиолетовой

4 I saw the movie last week Я видел фильм на неделе

5 We asked a teacher Мы спросили учителя

6 He helped his father Он отцу

7 Our house was big Наш дом был большой

8 She went to Paris in october Она отправилась в Париж в октябре

9 I had breakfast 2 hour ago Я завтракал 2 часа назад

10 John was really angry Джон был действительно зол

10 отрицательных предложений в Past Simple

1 They didn't do it Они не делали этого

2 He didn't help his father Он не отцу

3 We didn't eat the watermelon Мы не ели арбуз

4 A doctor didn't see us Врач не видел нас

5 They didn't believe me Они не поверили мне

6 He wasn't lazy Он не был ленив

7 Paul and I didn't know that Мы с Полом не знали об этом

8 We didn't fall in love with each other that evening Мы не влюбились друг в друга в тот вечер

9 She didn't play computer games last week На неделе она не играла в компьютерные игры

10 The dog didn't go with us Собака не пошла с нами

Популярно: Английский язык