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Match the genres with the descriptions.

a WESTERN 1 A film full of music and dance



2 A film in which unnatural and frightening things happens, such as

dead people coming to life, people turning to animals.

c THRILLER 3 An action-packed film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.

d COMEDY 4 A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.

e HORROR 5 A film made by photographing, a set of drawings.

f CARTOONS 6 A film full of violence and crime.

g MUSICAL 7 An film with happy end.

2. What types of films do these people talk about? Use the names of genres instead of


1. – What do you think of the film?

– Oh, it was extremely good! I was kept in uncertainly up to the end. The story line was so


– Yes, … always keep audience in suspense. And this one is a really good … .

b) – It is a pretty good film. The story line is simple but touching.

– Yes, the plot is really very simple but … don't need to be complicated and mysterious. Usually

they are naive but we like them for it.

2. – Do you like the film?

– Oh, yes. It was really good. I like films which are full of fights and adventures.

– Oh yes, you do. And this one was really stuffed with fights. I think there were too many of


– You simply don't like … I guess.

3. Match different kinds of TV programmes with their descriptions.

1. documentary a) factual film about animals and plants

2. the news b) informal talk, usually with famous people

3. chat show c) the latest events in the world and in your country

4. soap opera d) non-fiction film based on real events

5. nature programme e) drama, usually about family life; often weekly

6. weather forecast f) advertisement

7. commercial g) information about temperature, wind, rain, sun and so


4. Write definitions for the following kinds of films using the phrases below.

has a serious story often has an exciting story

has cowboys in it about crime and police

makes you laugh has lots of exiting action

has a story about love is about police and detectives

is about space and the future

An adventure film has lots of exciting action.

A comedy ___________________________.

A drama ____________________________.

A thriller ____________________________.

A western ___________________________.

A romance __________________________.

A crime story ________________________.

A science fiction _____________________.
5. Cinema combines different arts. That's why people of different professions

are involved in film making. Who are these people? Match the name of the

professions and what they do.

a) camera operator b) actor c) electrician

d) costume designer e) make-up artist

f) boom operator g) sound mixer h) director

i) stuntman/-woman j) editor

k) director of photography l) producer

m) scriptwriter

1. has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors

2. fixes the lights and all other electrical equipment

3. is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular

4. looks through the camera, and operates the equipment

5. decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with light, colour, quantity and direction

6. writes scripts for films, shows

7. holds the microphone

8. does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors

9. chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together

10. operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who makes noises during the filming

11. pretends to be another person and acts in a film

12. prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films

13. can make a new face for an actor

6. Here is a short review of the achievements of Australian cinematography.

Fill in the gaps in the story using the words from the box.

adventures The Piano shooted films prize

Crocodile Dandee dancers film industry

directors directed the government Hollywood

Australian film industry is as old as _____________. Australians make a lot of good __________. They

are proud of their ___________ and ____________ gives money to the film companies. Australian films are

known all over the world. There are some big international successes such as the ___________________ film,

about the ___________________ in Australia and Strictly Ballroom – a wonderful story about young

____________. ____________ which is ___________ by Jane Campion, won the main ___________ at the

Cannes Film Festival in 1993. one of the most famous Australian ___________ is Peter Weir. He

___________ Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is a story about a group of schoolgirls who disappeared after a picnic.​

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Мировой океан: киты киты-самые крупные животные в море. они гораздо больше, чем животные на суше. крупнейшие киты более 30 метров в длину. они живут в воде, но они не рыбы. у них горячая кровь и они дышат воздухом через отверстие в верхней части головы.они могут оставаться под водой около часа без дыхания. есть два вида китов. один вид имеет большой рот, 4 метров в глубину. он ест других крупных морских животных. этот вид называется дельфин-касатка. другой вид китов гораздо больше, чем касатки. у него нет зубов, но из рядов костью в зубах. они имеют маленькую глотку. они не могут проглотить ничего больше, чем яблоко. п.с просто тоже недавно проходили

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