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1 Rewrite the sentences to make them negative.
1 You’re eating my lunch! __________________________________
2 He’s playing the clarinet. __________________________________
3 I’m wearing new glasses. __________________________________
4 We’re coming to the party. __________________________________
5 They’re talking about the homework. __________________________________

Mark: ___ / 5
2 Complete the sentences and questions with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Who _______________________ (you / sit) next to in the photo?
6 Sara _______________________ (take) an exam.
7 _______________________ (they / leave) now?
8 I _______________________ (do) my homework.
9 _______________________ (he / phone) his cousin?

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Circle the odd word out.
1 trousers shirt sweatshirt T-shirt
2 tracksuit shoes trainers shorts
3 cardigan jacket coat T-shirt
4 jeans shorts trousers leggings
10 pyjamas shoes boots trainers

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 It isn’t safe to wear dark / light clothes when you cycle at night.
11 My teacher normally wears a casual / smart skirt and shirt.
12 I want a short-sleeved / long-sleeved sweatshirt for the winter.
13 It’s a plain / patterned dress with lots of red squares.
14 These shoes are very tight / baggy – I need bigger ones.

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Ответы на вопрос:

    ингредиенты:       хлеб ,      помидор,      сыр,      растительное масло.              хлеб порезать ломтиками , помидор  порезать тонкими ломтиками , сыр натереть на мелкой терке. нагреть на сковороде масло, обжарить хлеб с одной стороны, перевернуть, быстро выложить на обжаренную сторону ломтик помидора, посыпать сыром. сковороду накрыть крышкой, конфорку выключить. через 3-5 минут сыр расплавиться, а низ хлеба поджариться.


ingredients:         bread        tomato        cheese        vegetable oil.                  breadcut intoslices,tomatosliceverythin slices,cheesegrate.heat theoilin a frying pan,fry thebreadon one side,turnand quicklyput on theside offriedtomato slices, sprinkle withcheese.coverpan,turn off theburner.after 3-5 minutesto meltcheese,breadandlowpodzharits

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