Есть ответ 👍

Вставьте нужный модальный глагол ( can, may, must, Should, should'nt, need, needn't).
1) You.....stop at a red light.
2) I ....give you my car.
3) We....be more polite with our parents.
4) You....do it. I did it for you.
5) We.....come in. We are wellcome.

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Ответы на вопрос:






Если мой ответ был для тебя полезен, то не мог(-ла) бы ты поставить ему статус лучшего? Заранее Объяснение:

you should show most respect to your granny.-вы должны сделать\показать многое для вашей бабушки.

напишу не большое сочинение, но постараюсь .

the grandmother as i think, very native person for me the grandmother does for me everything, i also should do for it all.my grandmother the best.она always looks after me. when the help is necessary to me, the grandmother despite of everything, helps me to leave a difficult situation. she prepares the most tasty in the world pies. they very tasty. with meat, fish or with apple, not important. i can eat them eternally.though i and not so often see my grandmother, but i very strongly love it.

проверь ошибки на всякий случай, вдруг что. желаю удачи и хороших оценок: )

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