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Упражнение 2. Нужно подчеркнуть правильное слово.
1. They haven`t got ( many/much) apples left. 2. There are ( a lot of/ little) tomatoes in the fridge. 3. You will have ( a little/few ) milk with your pie. 4. Is there ( any/ few ) salt in the cupboard ? 5. There aren`t (any/some) bananas left.

Упражнение 3. Нужно употребить глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Continuous или в Present Perfect.
1. He ……( swim) all morning. He is so tired! 2. Dad ….. (go) to the gym. He will be back soon. 3. We ……( study) all day .Time for a break! 4. Nick …..(join) the sports club. 5. Mary …. (cook) for two days to prepare for the dinner party.

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Бро, сделай фото, и я тебе моментально отвечу. Ок?

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