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A) Раскройте скобки, поставив правильную форму пассивного залога. Предложения переведите на русский язык. К выделенному предложению задайте общий во и сделайте отрицание.
1. The contract (to type) tomorrow.
2. The word «railroad» originally (to write) as two words «rail road» many years ago.
3. The rails (to manufacture) in standard length.
4. These new locomotives (to construct) of perfect materials in 3 years.
5. The magazine "Science and Life” always (to illustrate) with wonderful pictures.
6. Many processes in railway construction (to mechanize) several years ago.
7. The new film (to demonstrate) in all big cinemas of Moscow now.
8. All these construction works (to do) by the engineers of our bureau.

b) Определите пути происхождения следующих терминов.
1. overhead line, house-to house, speed-restriction, resistor, movement, АС,
2. outdoor, to land – land, dispatcher, DVD, reorganization, highly-developed.

c) Поставьте в предложения необходимый модальный глагол, Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You ... tell me about it yesterday. I... help you.
2. .... you wait a moment, please?
3. I think the government... do something about the economy.
4. If you're under 18, you ...n't drive a car in Russia.
5. My mother ... cook very well.
6. You ... not do such things. You ... present your apologies that old leady.
7. He spoke so quickly that I... n't understand him at all.
8. Excuse me.... you tell where the theatre is?

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1. had 2. was able 3. have 4. is able 5. was 6. have 7. has 8. had 9. was able 10. was able 11. will have 12. had 13. have 14. had 15. have

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