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Amazing food facts!
 People in China eat 134,800,000,000 kgs of rice a year – more than in any other country
in the world.
 In Tibet, people don’t have sugar in their tea, they have butter and salt!
 In McDonald’s restaurants in India they don’t sell beef. All the meat in their burgers is
chicken or lamb. They also sell vegetarian burgers.
 People in Ireland drink about 150 liters of beer a year. In Germany, people drink about
130 liters a year.
 American people eat about 10 kg of chocolate every year, but the Japanese eat only 3 kg
a year.
 The Royal Dragon restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, has space for 5,000 customers at one
time. There are 1,200 waiters and cooks, and over 1,000 items on the menu.
 The Solo per Due restaurant in Vacone, in central Italy, has only got one table – for two
a. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Chinese people eat a lot of rice.
2. Tea in Tibet is different to tea in the UK.
3. You can buy beef in every McDonald’s restaurant in the world.
4. Japanese people eat a lot of chocolate.
5. The menu at the Royal Dragon restaurant is very big.
6. It is easy to have dinner at the Solo per Due restaurant.

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1. i will pack my suitcase at 2 tomorrow. 2. they will be working  at the project when you come.

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