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1. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложении.

1) relax, in, park, you, can, the.

2) am, best, in, the, the, I, pupil, class

3) animals, you, zoo, at, the, can, see

4) is, younger, me, Mike, than

5) a snack, the, restaurant, at, can, eat, you.

6) most, the, I, book, read, interesting

7) watch, the, a film, can, you, cinema, at

8) mum, the, beautiful, is, my, most

9) my, best, the, it, day, is, life, in.

2) Записать правило в тетрадь

Модальные глаголы

Can / can’t – могу, не могу must/mustn’t –должен, не должен have to/ don’t have to –вынужден, не вынужден need /needn’t – нужно, не нужно

ДЗ Translate the sentences (перевести предложения). 1) Я умею плавать. 2) Мой брат не умеет читать. 3) Мы должны делать домашнее задание. 4) Ты не должен кормить животных в зоопарке. 5) Я вынужден покупать молоко. 6) Я умею рисовать кошек. 7) Я вынужден поговорить с (to) учителем. 8) Я умею бегать сделать дам 15 б

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. you can relax in the park

2. I am the best people in the class

3. you can see animals at zoo

4. Mike younger than me

5. you can eat a snack at the restaurant

6. I read the most interesting book

7. you can watch a film at the cinema

8. my mum is the most beautiful.

9. is the best day in my life.

I can swim; My brother can't read; We must do homework; You mustn't feed animals at the zoo; I have to buy milk; I can draw cats; I have to talk with teacher; I can run.

You can relax in the park.

I am the best pupil in the class.

You can see animals at the zoo.

Mike is younger than me.

You can eat a snack at the restaurant.

I read the most interesting book.

You can watch a film at the cinema.

My mum is the most beautiful.

It is the best day in my life.

I can swim.

My brother can’t read.

We must do homework.

You mustn’t feed animals at the zoo.

I have to buy milk.

I can draw cats.

I have to talk with the teacher.

I can run.


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