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Переведите и подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. 1. excuse me, i am looking for a phone box. 2. last night i was reading in bed when suddenly i heard a scream. 3. in five years’ time a permanent space station will be circling the moon. 4. the labour party has always had strong links with the trade unions. 5. he had completed his work before the conference. 6. they will have finished the building of the house before summer. 7. the atom can be defined as the smallest portion of matter. 8. our group is being examined by the professor now. 9. nanocrystalline tungsten has been successfully synthesized. 10. the system is designed to operate at temperatures over 110 c.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. прошу прощения, я ищу телефонную будку. 2. вчера вечером я читал пред сном, когда вдруг услышал крик. 3. через 5 лет постоянная космическая станция облетит луну. 4. лейбористская партия всегда имела крепкие связи с профсоюзами. 5. он завершил свою работу еще до конференции. 6. они закончат строительство здания до лета. 7. атом можно определить как мельчайшую частицу материи. 8. у нашей группы сейчас принимает экзамен профессор. 9. **** вольфрама уже успешно синтезированы. 10. система разработана для эксплуатации при темп-ре выше 110 гр. 1. present progressive active             i am looking  2. past progressive active, past simple active.   i was reading,     i heard 3. future progressive active   -   will be circling 4. present perfect active       has .. had 5. past perfect active     had completed 6. future perfect active     will have finished 7. modal verb with present simple passive     can be defined 8. present progressive passive     is being examined  9. present perfect passive     has been synthesized. 10. present simple passive   is designed  (progressive=continuous)

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