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1.While the children ___ (to draw), their parents ___(to watch) TV. *
2.What ____(to do) when you ___(to hear) the news? *
3.The students __(to open) their exercise books and ___(to start) witing. *
4.While we ___(to wait), we ____ (to do) crossword puzzles. *
5.He ____(to meet) a lot of friendly people before he ___(to move) to California. *
6.After Angela ____(to lock) the door, the school bus ____ ( to arrive). *
7.Cindy ___(to break) her leg while she ____ (to snowboard). *
8.When they ____(to come) to London, they ____(to visit) many museums and art galleries. *
9.My faher ____(to drive) at 70 km per hour when a policeman ____(to stop) him. *
10.He ____(to listen) to the radio while he_____( to prepare) breakfast. *
11.Hardly we ____(to finish) dinner when the doorbell ___(to ring). *
12. I __(to lose) my keys while I ___(to walk) to school. *

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Ответы на вопрос:

were drawing, were watchinghad you done, heardopened, startedwere waiting, were doinghad met, movedhad locked, arrivedbroke,was snowboardingcame, visitedwas driving, stoppedwas listening, was preparingHardly had we finished dinner when the doorbell rang.lost, was walking

A) артикль не нужен. b) артикль не нужен. с) артикль не нужен. d) артикль не нужен. e) артикль the. f) артикль the.

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