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10.5.2 Fill in: soared, wandered, absorbed,
extract, hovering, interact, construct,
overcome, generate, applied.
1 He reported seeing a flying saucer
above the city.
2 3D computer graphics can be ...
to films and video games.
3 We could live on Mars after we have ...
all the challenges.
4 The spaceship ............ straight up into the sky.
5 Social robots can ... ........ with us using
microphones and cameras.
6 We can ............... electricity using solar panels.
7 She ........ away from the group to look
for some signs of UFOs.
8 It is possible to ................ oxygen from water.
9 The audience were
..... by the
spectacular special effects.
10 There are resources on the moon that we can
use to ......................... a colony.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

3. Are these nouns common or proper nouns?

1. San Francisco - proper noun

2. John Smith - proper noun

3. Brother - common noun

4. Motorbike - common noun

5. Museum of Modern Art - proper noun

6. September - common noun

7. Girl - common noun

8. Morocco - proper noun

9. Park -common noun

10. Lucy - proper noun

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