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I can't go out this evening. I have to . .... A) look for my little sister Б) look after my little sister B) take care of my little sister Г) babvsit for my parents

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Ответы на вопрос:

#1 a) doesn't b) do #2 a) where do you live? b) where does she cook dinner? #3 a) on b) незнаю c)? не поняла d) at e) o'clock #4 переведи в словаре multitran.ru #5 a) can he he can't b) wad she wasn' c) did a i didn't #6 a) is b) are c) are #7 a) have b) has c) have #8 в классной комнате 5 мальчиков на столе есть игрушки? #9 l go to dance lesson every day. yes, i can. my favourite animal is a cat.

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