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1. Robert says, “ The book is funny.”
2. “I am starting a new job,” she says.
3. "My friend buys tickets to concerts on-line", Sam said.
4. “I got my exam results last week,” Dan said.
5. “We have never done it,” she said.
6. “I am going to a party tonight,” she told her Mum.
7. Tom asked the teacher, “Where is this town located?”
8. They asked us: “Will you celebrate New Year together?”
9. “Come to me at 7p.m.,” she said to Ann.
10. Mother asked Kate, “Don`t see this film.”

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she could not speak english when she was 10.2. molly watched this film yesterday.3. when did your friends come? 4. sally saw greg yesterday.5. last year, alice was 15. 1. let’s meet at five o’clock. 2. they are having dinner now. 3. are you going to the library after classes tomorrow? 4. did you get up at 7 o’clock this morning? 5. i didn’t meet my best friend yesterday. 6. i have already done my household duties. 7. he did not visit the british museum. 8. we are talking about famous writers now. 9. we have already come here. 10. when i return, i shall call you.

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