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Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, переведите устно и выпишите предложения, соответствующие
содержанию текста.
A capacitor may be defined as a device consisting of two or more conductor plates separated from
one another by a dielectric and used for receiving and storing an electric charge. The effect of a
capacitor in an electric circuit is to oppose any change in the existing voltage.
Capacitors are commonly used in d. с. circuits to reduce the effects of transient voltages and
currents. Electrical transients are high voltages developed from time to time when the circuit is
broken or reconnected, as when a switch is turned on or off. These transient voltages are usually
caused by the inductance of a circuit. In an a. c. circuit the capacitor is often used to block the direct
current but permit the flow of the alternating current. In effect, the alternating current appears to
flow through the capacitor but is actually being stored first on one plate of the capacitor and then on
the other.
Like many other electronic units, capacitors are manufactured in a wide variety of sizes and styles.
Some very low-capacity capacitors are merely tiny wafers of metal separated by an insulator; large
capacitors may weigh several pounds. Fixed capacitors are of two general types. One is the dry
capacitor which consists of metal plates separated by a dry dielectric such as mica or waxed paper,
and the other is the electrolytic capacitor, whose dielectric is a chemical paste or one electrolyte.
The electrolytic capacitor is effective in only one direction. This means that it must be connected in
such a manner that the positive and negative polarities are correct. If it is connected in reverse, the
current will flow through the capacitor and destroy it. Fixed capacitors of both the dry and
electrolytic type are manufactured in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The electrolytic capacitors
are marked to indicate the correct method of connection into a circuit.
The unit of capacitance is a farad.
Выпишите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста и переведите:
1. A capacitor may be defined as a device consisting of two or more conductor plates.
2. Capacitors are commonly used in a.с. сcircuits.
3. Large capacitors may weigh several pounds.
4. The electrolytic capacitors are marked to indicate the correct method of connection into a
Задание 2. Переведите предложение на русский язык. Напишите данное предложение в Past
и Future Simple, Past и Future Progressive
Neutrons have no electric charge.
Задание 3. Переведите предложение на русский язык. Составьте общий во и во к
Wires are taken into use in 1888.

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Ответы на вопрос:

people cant live without food. it makes us strong, gives us the energy we need for physical activity and helps us to grow. we eat meat and fish, dairy products and cereals. we also must eat fruit and vegetables because they give us vitamins and minerals.

    we're also offered organic food which is natural food and genetically modified food. some say that growing gm food is necessary as the world's population is growing fast.

however, other people find gm foods unhealthy and even dangerous for those who eat them.

    i think the best food is home-cooked food. food cooked at home is healthier and much cheaper. taking care of our own health we can prepare and eat the right food. we should always remember the proverb "good health is above wealth"








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