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Раскрыть скобки) put the verb in brackets into the past indefinite, the past continuous, the past perfect and the past perfect continuous. 1. nobody (know) where smith (go). 2. how your chief (find out) that you (come) to work late? 3. a girl who (stand) under the beech tree (come) up to us. 4. he told me that his aunt (live) with them for three months. 5. he (work) there some time when that dreadful accident (happen). 6. he told us they (live) in this district since they (leave) paris. 7. the discovery of the art of writing (enable) the ancient egyptians to remember what their ancestors (do) before them. 8. they (walk) in the garden for an hour when the storm broke out. 9. mary (speak) to mr boxwell when i (see) her in the corridor this morning. 10. i (leave) my house yesterday in a hurry, but i (not/go) far before i (discover) that it (be) going to rain and i (leave) my umbrella at home. 11. john (park) the car in fifth avenue when a young man in black glasses (appear) from nowhere and (stand) before him. 12 the young girl who (look) at me ever since i had come into the room, suddenly rose and left. 13. i knew right away that that was the place i (look for) all my life. 14. while we (talk), there (come) a loud knock at the door. 15. by that time the twins already (sleep) for two hours.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1knew,   had gone  2 had found out,   came  3 was standing,   came  4 had been living 5 had worked,   happened  6 lived, had left 7 enabled, had done 8 had been walking 9 was speaking, saw 10 left, hadn't gone, discovered, was going, had left  11 was parking, appeared, stood  12 was looking 13 had been looking for 14 were talking, came  15 had already been sleeping 

Idid not write english exercise in the morning. - полный i didn't write english exercise in the morning.- сокращенный 

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