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Үшбұрыштың ауданы 500см квадрат. Үшбұрыштың иштей сызылган радиусы 25см. Табу керек периметри​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. They have not yet visited the exhibition of Ilya Glazunov's paintings.

2. Michael has been studying Japanese for a year.

3. how long have you been studying civil law? — I've been doing this since I joined the Academy.

4. They were supposed to go to Spain at the beginning of the year, but they couldn't.

5. Tim Turner at the beginning of his career was a simple engineer. Now he's managing a large network of television stations.

6. Nellie chose the best equipment for her company.

7. The French delegation arrived at two o'clock.

8. Russia, which has United many peoples in the course of its historical development, is one of the oldest countries in Eastern Europe.

9. Today, the Russian Federation is home to about 150 million citizens and consists of a number of Autonomous republics and regions.

10. The Capital Of The Russian Federation Is Moscow. It is the largest political, scientific and cultural center of the country.

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