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Write the missing prepositions.

1) dozens _ new schools 2) proud _ the fact 3) equal access _ education 4) high non-attendance rate _ secondary school students 5) quality _ primary and secondary education 6) developing cooperation _ foreign universities 7) in regards _ primary education 8) the reason _ the poor results 9) according _ some sources

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Ответы на вопрос:

[1] dozens of new schools

[2] proud of the fact

[3] equal access to education

[4] high non-attendance rate of secondary school students

[5] quality of primary and secondary education

[6] developing cooperation of foreign universities

[7] in regards to primary education

[8]  the reason of the poor results

[9] according to some sources

Clean - Taylor Swift

1. The drought was the very worst
Засуха была в самом разгаре,
When the flowers that we’d grown together died of thirst.
Когда цветы, которые мы вместе вырастили, погибли от жажды.
2. You're still all over me like a wine-stained dress
Но ты до сих пор со мной, как испачканное вином платье,
I can't wear anymore
Которое я не могу больше носить.

3. Аnd the sky turn black like a perfect storm
И небо почернело, предвещая страшный шторм.

4.Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
Когда я шла ко дну, ливень стоял стеной.

5. There was nothing left to do
Больше ничего не оставалось,
And the butterflies turned to dust
И бабочки превратились в пыль.

So I punched a hole in the roof
Я пробила дыру в крыше
Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you
Чтобы потоки воды смыли твой образ.

7.The water filled my lungs,
Вода заполнила мои легкие,
I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing
Я отчаянно кричала, но никто не услышал.

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