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Your task is to write the name of planet according to the
cardinal number
* The first planet in the solar system is
The third planet in the solar system is....
* The eighth planet in the solar system is.
* The second planet in the solar system is...
* The sixth planet in the solar system is...
* The forth planet in the solar system is....
* The seventh planet in the solar system is...
* The fifth planet in the solar system is..​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1) I go to school. - I went to school yesterday. 2) You play tennis at school. - played yesterday. 3) My friends watch football matches. - Last week 4) Mary listens to music every day. - Last night listened 5) I swim in the sea on holiday. - Last summer swam б) Our dog eats meat and bones. - aet yesterday. 7) Lisa cleans her room every day. - cleaned last Saturday. 8) You have a holiday in summer. - holidays last summer.

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