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1.I feel so fine and look so great _______________ my regular diet.
2.I have always been fond ______ reading detective stories. I have got a lot _______ them _______ home.
3._______ fact my parents have visited ________ almost all European countries.
4._______ you see I enjoy ________ vegetables and fruit very much. But cannot say that I keep ________ a diet.
5._______ summer my family goes _______ the country where we play _______ football and ride ______ our bicycles a lot.
6.When I was a child I used to go _______ volleyball but now I don’t do any exercise _______ all.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My weekends are fast and exciting. my weekdays are fast and domestic!   i (1) have two sons, dylan, 7, and dakota, 5. every morning i (2) get up one hour before them, at 6.00, and i (3) go to the gym. i (4) come home and i (5) cook breakfast, then i (6) take them to school. on mondays i always (7) go shopping i (8) buy all the food for the week. i often (9) make dinner in the evenings, but not every day because i don't (10) like cooking. fortunately, my husband, ron, (11) loves cooking. on tuesdays and thursdays i (12) visit my father. he (13) lives on the next block. every afternoon i (14) pick up the kids from school. in the evenings ron and i usually (15) relax but sometimes we (16) visit friends. we never (17) go out on friday evenings because i start work so early on saturdays.

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