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I. Установите соответствие рубрик A—G текстам 6, в которых содержится краткая информация о достопримечательностях Лондона. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.
This text is about
A a part of a bigger architectural complex.
В a place to observe the sky.
С a famous movie theatre.
D a famous shopping mall.
E a memorial to British soldiers.
F a waterway.
G a reproduction of an old place for drama performances.
The Grand Union Canal, constructed in the late 18th century, linked London with the national network of canals and the industrial Midlands. Although unused for commerce now, many colourful boats still float peacefully on the canals. The area where the Grand Union Canal joined Regent’s Canal was named Little Venice.
Having started out, in 1834, as grocery and tea merchants in Stepney, East London, Harrods has become one of London’s premier West End shopping places and one of the most famous stores in the world. Known for top quality goods and excellent customer service, Harrods provides everything from bank services to an exotic pet shop.
Standing in the middle of Whitehall, the Cenotaph (which means “empty tomb”), designed by Sir Edward Lutyens, is a monument to Britain’s war dead. Originally intended to honour British and Commonwealth warriors who died in World War I, a dedication was added in 1946 for those who died in World War
The London Planetarium is one of the world’s largest and
best planetariums. Connected to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, it used to be a cinema. It had been the desire of Madame Tussaud’s management to demolish the cinema, and to build a small planetarium.
Shakespeare’s Globe is a faithful reconstruction of the original Southwark theatre and the ideal venue for enjoying the Bard’s plays staged as they were when they were first enjoyed by Elizabethan audiences. The theatre is only part of the Shakespeare Globe Centre — an educational, cultural and entertainment complex that includes a museum under the theatre, research facilities and an exhibition of Elizabethan London.
In 1827, John Nash built Marble Arch to stand as an elaborate gate for George IV’s newly renovated Buckingham Palace. The arch’s white marble was made to contrast beautifully with the honey-coloured stone of the royal palace. Marble Arch was based on the Arch of Constantine in Rome and was moved from Buckingham Palace to its present location in 1851.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Prepositions of place. Choose the correct preposition.
A) at B) in C) on
1. There is a nice picture _____ the wall.
2. She never keeps her money _____ her bag.
3. Don't sit _____ the ground.
4. Can you see something strange _____ the water?
5. I think her flat is _____ the third floor of that building.
6. Who is the boy _____ that photo?
7. The car was parked _____ the corner of the street.
8. The children are playing _____ the garden.
9. My friend spent his holiday _____ a small village _____ the mountains.
10. The night is very dark. There are no stars _____ the sky.
11. Let's meet _____ the entrance to the Supermarket.
12. Our dog likes swimming _____ the river.
13. St. Petersburg is _____ the Neva river.
14. She waited for him _____ the bus stop _____ the end of Green Street.
15. There is nobody _____ the building.
16.1 think I left my bag _____ the chair _____ the corner of the classroom.
17. When we were _____ Spain we stayed _____ a hotel. We always left keys _____ reception.
18. We live _____ Number 54 (Market street).
19. There's a big circle. Inside the circle ______ the top there is a small square. _____ the right _____ the side there are two small circles.
20. _____ the left _____ the side there's a triangle, and there's a rectangle _____ the bottom.

III. Prepositions of time. Fill in.
A) at B) in C) on
1. _____ 9 o'clock
2. _____ 26 November
3. _____ October
4. _____ night
5. _____ the spring
6. _____ the moment
7. _____ times
8. _____ the present
9. _____ his age
10. _____ the morning
11. _____ Wednesday
12. _____ noon
13. _____ Sunday mornings

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.are news his money are there his hair are fair

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