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4. Alex said, “We were late. We missed the beginning of the performance”.
5. The clerk said, “This job will suit the students who want to work during the
6. The girl said, “Trains which leave from this station take an hour to get to London”.
7. Tom explained, “I was lost so I had to ask someone the way”.
8. The guide said, “If the picture is seen from this place, it looks rather good”.
9. Mother said to her child, “Don’t be so curious”.
10. Poly said to me, “Address the envelope and I’ll post it”.
11. The manager asked me, “Do you want to buy this car?”
12. The son asked his father, “Where is the key of the car?”
13. The salesperson asked, “Did you say you wanted a suit?”
14. The woman said, “I was walking late in the evening when I saw a strange object in the sky”.
15. The doctor asked, “How long have you been taking this medicine?”
16. My colleague asked me, “Haven’t you seen our new secretary?”

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