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Write the sentences with the adverb in the correct place.

1. I won't change my job. (definitely)

2. After a long journey he will be too tired to fix something. (probably)

3. We won’t tell them about out plans. (certainly)

4. My uncle will visit us soon. (maybe)

5. They will go on holiday next. (definitely)

6. We won’t tell them about our plans. (probably)

7. She will go for a picnic on Sunday. (perhaps)

8. He is not interested in our offer. (probably)

9. She can’t hear her phone because she is having a shower. (perhaps)

10. The student would pass the exams. (probably)

11. Anna is the best student in my class. (definitely)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) коровы такие же большие, как лошади. тюлени не такие умные, как дельфины.аллигаторы длиннее ящериц.змеи более опасны, чем пауки.пауки менее опасны, чем змеи. мы употребляем когда хотим сказать такие же  как, than (чем) когда хотим сказать чем (то есть сравниваем что-то с чем-то), more (более)/less(менее)+прилагательное 2) 3.there is a lot of 4.  many 5. how much    

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