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Составьте словосочетания из приведенных ниже пар слов, используя притяжательный падеж существительных. используйте 's или of
animals behavior
baby's skin
ball / girls
birthday / my father
Bob / hair
Canada / big cities
car / colour
cat / milk
cheese / smell
children / feet
children / smiles
clothes / doll
daughter / Mr. Smith
dress / Jane
every day / problems
fans / singer
flower / colour
food / amount
furniture / kitchen
garden / our neighbours
girls /bikes
grandma /garden
holiday / celebration
house / roof
food / quality
relatives / the Coopers
phone /number
woman / new dress
yesterday / newspaper
trees / park

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iam not his sister. he is in tula. she is angry. it is funny. they are brothers. she is his sister. thay are not pupils. i have not got a puppy. he is got a house in tula. she is got an angry dog.

Популярно: Английский язык