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the sun was going down behind the hills when I reached a village which was only a few miles from the sea. The working day went over, and the villagers were coming home from the fields. along the road 2 boys were driving cows.... I approached a group of people standing near the rod and were asking then if I could find a place in the village to spend the night. An old man said he would help me. he took me to his small cottage at the far end of the street. a fire was burning in the stove, when we entered the house. one girl of about 18 was preparing supper in the kitchen while 2 others girls still were doing something in the kitchen garden near the house. the old man invited me to have supper with them. they all seemed to be nice people and we had a friendly talk. after supper my new friends and I went out to the garden. the moon was shining high in the sky, and the night was warm and beautiful. that evening was very pleasant and I'll remember it a long time

hello,dear teenager! you're offened on the your parents.what's a pity! but you have tounderstand them.they wishyou happiness.they arejust worried aboutyour future life  and the present life.you'rein a hurryto grow up, butall in good time.remember,it isn't so hard to cross the street,it depends on what's waiting you on oеher side.you shouldtalkto them about it.letthem know  that you arean independent teenager.showthat you canstand up for yourself.

,дорогой подрсоток.ты обижен на своих родителей.это такая жалость! но ты т\должен понять их.они хотят тебе счастья.они всего лишь беспокоятся о твоей будущей жизни и о настоящей.ты торопишься быть взрослым,всему свое время.запомни,не сложно пересечь улицу,все зависит от того что ждет тебя на той стороне(двоякий смысл,я надеюсь вы поймете).ты должен поговорить с ними об этом.дай им узнать что ты самостоятельный.покажи им что ты можешь за себя постоять.

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