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с англи употребляя правильную форму глагола

1) Jim always (have) cornflakes for breakfast, but now he

(have) porridge. 3

2) Dick never (eat) bananas for dinner, but now he (eat) a


3) Sometimes we (eat) vegetables for lunch but today we

(eat) pizza. SSS

4) Little John never (drink) coffee for breakfast. Today he

(drink) milk.

5) Nina (have) a birthday party now She and her friends

(have) a good time. They (enjoy) Nina s party.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the statue of liberty was built in france. 2. how many people were killed? 3. tomas fell off his bike yesterday, but he was not injured.4. we were beaten 4-0! 5. when the volcano erupted, the noise was heard 200 km away.my grandparents live in the countryside, in _an_ old cottage. it's got __a__ bedroom, __a__ bathroom, __a__ living room and __a__ kitchen. bedroom and __the__ living room are quite big, but __the__ kitchen's very small! i love cottages like my grandparents'.

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