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Choose the right sentense: 1 i think humour is one of the best things in life.

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1. young people so strongly rustled at movie theater that someone has complained to protection. 2. zantiya sport will do you good if you want to keep good physical shape. 3. it is well-known that students of the universities should read much. 4. could you make to me favor and wash today the dishes? 5. bill has decided to conduct a research about roly of women in science. 6. steve has made several mistakes in the report, but nobody has noticed it. 7. do you do something in these days off? i don't know, i planned nothing yet. 8. miguel of noslednee time very much tries. it is no wonder that he has achieved such achievements in english. 9. oliver has made a lift to tell jannie as she is pleasant to him, but he was to tell is very timid, and only she said. 10. smith has earned a state, selling used cars. 11. mark hummer always fulfilled the duty as the person and the citizen therefore all respect him.

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