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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw).

2. The boy (to give) the girl the flowers which he (to bring) from the field.

3. Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands.

4. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come).

5. When I (to wake) up yesterday, parents already (to go) to work.

6. The children (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home.

7. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner.

8. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer.

9. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

10. I (to finish) my test by the lesson (to be over)

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Ответы на вопрос:

The trees were felled by the woodcutter. america was discovered by columbus. the boy was praised by the master. the thief was arrested by the police. kites were being made by the boys. a novel has been written by him.

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