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1) Cоставь из слов во и отрицательные предложения и
запиши их .
1. he, Has, a brother, got?
2. a parrot, she, hasn’t, got.
3. got, a grandma, you, Have?
4. Alice, a fox, got, Has?
5. Wendy and Helen, haven’t, got, a brother

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 has he got a brother 2 she hasn*t got a parrot  3 have you got a grandma 4 alice has got a fox 5 haven t wendy and helen got a brother  все

1. Has he got a brother?

2. She has not got a parrot.

3. Have you got a grandma?

4. Has Alice got a fox?

5. Wendy and Helen have not got a brother.


1. she is 21. ей 21 год 2. it is late. поздно 3. he has got blue eyes. у  него голубые глаза 4. peter has  just come. петя только что пришел 5. she is wearing a new dress today. на ней сегодня новое платье.

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