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Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?

Shop assistant: We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?

Customer: Medium.

Shop assistant: OK, in medium we’ve got black and red.

Customer: And in purple?

Shop assistant: No, just black and red.

Customer: OK, red. Can I try it on?

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.


Shop assistant: Is it OK?

Customer: Yes, I’ll take it.

Shop assistant: That’s £10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?

Customer: Cash please. Here’s twenty.

Shop assistant: OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p change and here’s your receipt.

Customer: Thanks. Bye.

1. What size T-shirt does the customer want? _______________

2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt? _______________

3. What colour T-shirt does the customer try on? _______________

4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt? _______________

5. How much does it cost? _______________

6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash? _______________

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1. a)  london id the capital of great britain. b) it is on of the largest cities in the world. 2.вставьте соответствующеепритяжательное местоимение english people are famous for their love of tradition. 3.выберите нужное неопределённоеместоимение (some, any) do you know any famous building in london? 4.выберите правильныйпредлог at  the end on the day the businessmen and clerks gohome and the city becomes silent. a) on b) at c) after 5.выберите правильныймодальный глагол which  part of london can be called its center? a) can b) may c) must 6.выберите правильнуювидовременную формусказуемого the palace of westminster stretches along the north bank of the river thames. a) stretch b) stretches c) stretched 7. выберите глагол в соответствующем времени пассивного залога trafalgar square was named so to commemorate admiral nelson’s victory at the battle of trafalgar. a) are named b) was named c) will be named

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