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2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 )The plane made an emergency landing, but____
no one was hurt
1.immediately 2.luckily 3.suddenly
2) That skirt looks nice. Would you like to_______
it on?
1.take 2.wear 3.try
3 He came first and _____a great prize.
1.earned 2.did 3.won
4) I'm not _______ good at geography.
1.very 2.incredibly 3.bit
5) I ______on really well with my parents.
1.do 2.get 3.make
6) My brother's birthday is______ 14th February.
1.in 2.at 3.on
7) Are you looking_____ to your holiday?
1.for 2.after 3.forward
8) My mum's brother is my_____
1.aunt 2.uncle 3.cousin
9) Linda_____me she had finished her homework.
1.said 2.told 3.replied
10) The opposite of ‘noisy'
is '_____'
1.safe 2.quiet 3.clean
11 They drove _____the tunnel.
1.through 2.under 3.across
12 My boyfriend's really ______. He always gives me
1.mean 2.lazy 3.generous
13 They ______ a really good time on holiday.
1.spent 2.did 3.had
14 Can you turn______ the TV? I want to watch the
1.on 2.in 3.off​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. tom who is a journalist lives next door.

2. this is the film which i like very much.

3. he is the man whose brother is a pilot.

4. have you got any clothes which you can sell?

5. i lost the bracelet which my boyfriend bought me.

6. anna who is your friend comes from wales.

7. i talked to the girl whose father is a driver.

8. the man who owns this shop isnt married.

проще говоря, мы используем who по отношению к людям. which мы можем применить по отношению к предметам и животным. а whose обычно используется вместо притяжательных местоимений (his, her, my и чтобы показать принадлежность.

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