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Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences. 1.Mr. Smith, (who / that) is my friend, has worked in the National Reserve for five years. 2 The Askania Nova, (which / that) I visited last year, is a great home for wildlife. 3 I finished reading an article about climate change (that / who) was really interesting.4. An environmental conference (which / who) will take place in Berlin next Monday is rather important. 5 I finished reading the book about nature, (which / whose) was made into a film. 6 Pesticides are chemicals (that / who) are used for killing insects.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1the caspian sea is located between europe and asia. каспийское море расположено между европой и азией  . 2 the crimean resorts are famous for its nature. крымские курорты знамениты своей природой. 3 brazil, colombia,ecuador,peru and venezuela produce coffee. бразилия, колумбия, эквадор, перу и венесуэла производят кофе.  4 norway, sweden and denmark are monarchies. норвегия, швеция и дания- монархии. 5  yangtze,  yellow river  and mekong river are the longest asian rivers.янцзы, желтая река и река меконг - самые длинные реки азии

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