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There lived in old times a tailor named Mustapha. (Be) _____ very poor, he could not even send his son, Aladdin, to school. (Have) _____ nothing to do, Aladdin spent his time in the streets (play) _____ with other poor boys. The father, (worry greatly) _____ by his poor life, did not live long. One day, soon after his father's death, while (play) _____ in the street, Aladdin saw a stranger, (stand) _____ nearby and (look) _____ at him very attentively. This stranger was a magician. (Come) _____ closer and (take) _____ Aladdin by the hand, he said, “Aren't you the son of Mustapha, the tailor?” (Hear) _____ that Mustapha was dead, the magician cried, “I am your uncle, my boy. I have been away for forty years, while (travel) _____ in Persia and India. Tell your mother that I will visit her tomorrow.”

(Return) _____ home, Aladdin told his mother about his uncle. (Never hear) _____ of any relatives, she answered (laugh) _____, “But, my son, you have no uncles.” But the next day the magician came to their home (bring) _____ a lot of food and wine. While (eat) _____, they talked about Aladdin's future, and the stranger said he would find him a good job. (Feel) _____ very thankful to the man, Aladdin's mother did not ask him any unpleasant questions. (Finish) _____ supper, the magician left the house, (promise) _____ to come again in the morning. The next day the magician took the boy out of town into some big mountains (say) _____ that he would show Aladdin some wonderful things. (Collect) _____ some wood, the man made a fire, (mutter) _____ some magical words all the time, and suddenly a great smoke arose, and the earth opened, (uncover) _____ a small door. (Terribly frighten) _____, Aladdin was about to run away, but the magician stopped him, (tell) _____ him that there was a great treasure (lie) _____ behind that door, which only Aladdin would be able to take. (Mutter) _____ some magical words again, the man opened the door, and then, (take) _____ a ring from his finger, he gave it to the boy, saying that this ring would help him in any troubles. (Instruct) _____ how to find the treasure, Aladdin stepped down into the cave.

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The finerest

Louder the loudest



Longer the longest

Most frightening

The best

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