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Use the verb take in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences.
1. How long ___ it ____ you to pack your belongings? There is little time left, dear.
2. I don’t know how long it ___ you to get to your summer house tomorrow. Too many cars leave Moscow on Friday.
3. Why ___ it ___ Ann so long to finish the translation last week?
4. Usually it ____ me half an hour to get to the railway station.
5. It ___ Peter a year to learn to dance. Now he is nearly a professional.
6. It ____ the students a week to understand the new material. But now their knowledge of it is good.
7. I’m not sure it ___ me an hour to finish my composition.
8. It ___ me a month to finish the work. But I’ve managed at last.
9. It usually ____ a lot of time to pass a new law.

Use between or among to complete the sentences.
1. Molly has a music class at 4 p.m., an English class at 6 p.m. and a short rest in ___ .
2. ___ you and me Mr Wilson is not a responsible person.
3. Dinosaurs are ____ extinct animals.
4. There is a lot in common ____ the father and the son.
5. There is a lot of disagreement ___ the members of the fund. 6. It’s difficult to choose ____ the two blouses, they are both so beautiful.
7. There is a nice cosy cottage ___ the trees.
8. We spent our winter holidays ___ our relatives in Canada.
9. Your choice for breakfast lies ___ cornflakes and fried eggs.

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In this sport athletes have to overcome as soon as possible a certain distance on ice on a vicious circle. the winner is determined by points. people generally are engaged in it for strengthening of health, and also this sport develops speed, force, flexibility, dexterity and endurance of the athlete.

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