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Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, чтобы получилось условное предложение нулевого типа.
1. If you (to want) … to play basketball, (to call) … me.
2. If you (to want) … to buy a ticket, (to buy) … it now.
3. If you (to speak) … slowly, I (to understand) … you better.
4. If it (to rain) … (to be), … it more dangerous to drive?
5. (to speak) … every day, if you (to want) … to speak English well.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. want , call

2. want, buy

3. speak, understand

4. it's raining, is it

5. speak, want


1. In sports, it’s a great achievement to attend/break a world record.

2. Vera was very exciting/excited

when she won the writing award.

3. Glossy magazines are

attractive /popular to teenagers.

4. The deer ran off /went off before

Nick could take a photograph.

5. This hat really goes with/on her shoes.

6. Pam was surprised / surprising

to hear she won the competition.

7. What does the weather article/report say?

8. Mike brave/bravely fought the fire.

9. Sarah likes the fashion and beauty advice/strips in this magazine.

10. It can be difficult to come on/up

with new ideas.

11. The cheese smells horrible.

It has gone off/on.

12. The fireman pulled the baby to safe/safety.

Популярно: Английский язык