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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1  That is the hotel where we stayed on our holiday.

2  The computer which I got for my birthday stopped working.

3  I remember the time when we went to Paris.

4  She asked me the reason why you are upset with her.

5  Is it your mum or dad whom is afraid of cats?

6  That is the woman whose desk is behind mine at work.

7  People who sit at a desk for long periods can risk back pain.

8  The book which you lent me is very interesting.

2. Join the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or adverb.

1 My hometown is not far from here. My parents still live there.

My hometown where my parents still live is not fat from here.

2  The vase got damaged in the plane. They bought it in Spain.

The vase which they bought it in Spain got damaged in the plane.

3  Damian is training to be an athlete. He broke his foot last week.

Damian is training to be an athlere unfortunately he broke his foot last week.

4  The family is Italian. I am staying with them.

The family which I am staying with is Italian.

5  The reason is unclear. They cancelled their order.

The reason is unclear so they cancelled their order.


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