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Выберите подходящий модальный глагол в скобках.

1. Pupils … (don’t have to/must not) go to school if you have a high temperature.

2. The test is next week. So you … (must/can) study hard.

3. I will cook everything for the party, so you … (don’t have to/mustn’t) bring any food.

4. She needs more exercise; he … (should/can) go to a gym.

5. Women … (are allowed to/have to) cover their heads in a church.

6. I … (can’t/can) speak Italian very well because I didn’t learn it at school.

7. We … (could/couldn’t) sleep last night because of the storm.

8. Sam … (must/had to) leave the party early because his wife disappeared.

9. If you train more you … (could/will be able to) run faster.

10. Dad was … (ought to/able to) buy a dishwasher with my credit card.
11. He … (ought/can) to apologize.

12. We … (needn’t/mustn’t) book a room in advance. They always have some vacant rooms.

13. Your hair looks awful. You … (can/should) get it cut.

14. I am exhausted. I … (am able to/need to) get some rest.

15. When they were rich they were … (able to/allowed to) travel abroad every month.

16. Visitors of our hotel … (may/can) use the car park.

17. Dogs … (aren’t allowed to/aren’t able to) get inside.

18. I’m not sure but Bob … (could/must) be in England now.

19. … (Must/May) I use your mobile phone?

20. Tom doesn’t answer the phone. His car … (should/must) be in a tunnel now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Едят сахарную вату , летать в пиратский корабль перейдите на воде ездить пожмите руку с мультяшными героями , исследовать особняк с привидениями , перейти на ракете путешествие , клоуны выполняя трюки , приобретения сувениров   .   все что смогла перевести .

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