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2 Перевести предложения из активного залога в пассивный.
Tom collected tickets. – Tickets were collected by Tom.
1 He never missed a single day. 2 A girl showed me the way. 3 Our teacher gives
us much homework. 4 She brought the parcel. 5 The girls water flowers every
day. 6 They will not finish this work tomorrow. 7 We do not discuss such
questions at the meeting. 8 Somebody built this castle in the 16th century. 9 We
shall invite him to take part in the concert. 10 Peter drives the car. 11 He put the
letter in the envelope. 12 My little cousin opened the door. 13 The travellers will
make a camp not far from the village. 14 People speak about this film a lot. 15
We shall invite him to take part in the concert. 16 They clean the room every day.
17 The senior students laughed at the freshman. 18 They often speak about the

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Ответы на вопрос:

Сьогодні було 1 вересня! Першого вересня діти ідуть до школи. Дехто в перший клас а дехто продовжує навчатисґ. Перше вересня це таке маленьке свято для дітей ьа дорослих

Популярно: Английский язык