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с анг. яз. !! Переделайте в кос. речь и напишите из какого времени в какое мы переделываем предложения. Буду очень благодарна!

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Ответы на вопрос:

He said (that) Milah had done the washing up.

He said he had been so hungry the day before

He said his wife had laid the table an hour before.

He said he had done the washing up the day before.

He said he had had steak for dinner the previous Friday.

He said Mary had cleared the table 10 minutes before.

He said Robert had eaten a substantial lunch some time before.

He said he had been having breakfast the day before from 7 till 7:30

1.  works 2. work 3. works 4. work 5. works

Популярно: Английский язык