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6. Unlike most businessmen, Carlos Slim ____________ (not study) business in college. 7. In fact, he _______ (have) a civil engineering degree. 8. But once he graduated, he___________ (take) economics courses. 9. Then, he ________ (start) his career as a stock trader. 10. Even though he inherited $3 million from his father, Carlos still __________ (work) hard. 11. While gaining more and more profit, he_______ (start) building Grupo Carso from buying companies from all kinds of fields. 12. During the Mexican monetary issues in the 1980s, he ___________ (buy) more and more troubled companies at low price. 13. Later, he __________ (resell) them at highly profitable prices. 14. And he______ (hit) the jackpot when Mexico privatized its telecom industry. 15. He snatched the deal and ________ (acquire) Telmex from Mexican government. 16. Now, he________ (own) pretty much everything in Mexico’s business. 17. His biggest source of income __________ (be) his huge telecommunication company. 18. Business _______ (be) his passion since he was just a kid. 19. He doesn’t just invest. He ________ (seek) through opportunities which can lead him to bigger, better fortune.20. And so far, he _______ (be) successful in doing so.

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1)i'm 2) case's 3) cases're 4) dog's 5) there's

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