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Здесь нужно вставить правильное слово в каждое предложение. [board] [court] [jacket] [field] [course] [hooligan] [pools] [track]
1. Everyone who goes sailing must wear a life ___________.
2.Bring your racket and I'll meet you at the tennis __________.
3.Because Bill wears a scarf everyone thinks he is a football ___________.
4.The school has held its playing ________ to a property company.
5.Violet won half a milion pounds on the football __________.
6.I enjoy walking around the golf _____ and watching people play.
7.Every morning I jog round the running _____ opposite my house.
8.Steve jumped from the diving ______ wearing all his clothes!

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Manhattan district area - 59.47 km ². the population of manhattan - 1,629 million. this is one of the smallest and most densely populated districts of ssha.manhetten famous for its highest skyscrapers such as the empire state building, the chrysler building , the woolworth building , met life tower, wall street , 40 , rockefeller center , the headquarters un office , etclike any big city , manhattan is divided into parts. officially, the city is divided into 12 districts (community districts). benchmarks for determining the informal division of the island on large areas (regions), are: fifth avenue , central park ,96 -th street ,14 -th street.as in other districts of the city of new york, in manhattan, there is no full of county government , but it has some organs , such as the clerk , the court , the prosecutor . at the head of boro president is elected by the borough . at the present time - it's a democrat scott stringer , took up his duties in january 2006 . the president borough substantial power net.manhetten is historically one of the strongholds of the democratic party. since 1924 , manhattan had never voted for a republican candidate for the u.s. presidency . members of the republican party in a minority of voters. only in relatively conservative areas - the upper east side and wall street - they make up more than 20%.

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