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Complete the gaps with must, may, might, can’t. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. They are not answering the phone, so they (be) out. (I’m almost certain)
2. They (move). I saw them in town this morning. (It’s impossible)
3. I haven’t seen Molly this week. I think she (visit) her parents, but I’m not sure.
4. That woman has just fallen over. Let’s go and see her. She (be) hurt.
5. I don’t know where she is. She (play) tennis. It has been dark for an hour already.
6. Look at Susan. She is with the man I don’t recognize. It (be) het brother, because they look alike.
7. It (rain). The ground is completely dry.
8. That looks like Jack, but it (be) him. He went to live in Australia last year.
9. I have a stomachache this morning. I (eat) too much last night. (It’s likely)
Or I (catch) some virus. (Not very likely but possible)
10. These glasses (be) Tim’s. They look a bit like his.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mikhail lomonosov - made many discoveries in various fields of science, first formulated the universal law of conservation of matter and motion, created a molecular-kinetic theory of heat, founded the science of glass. михаил ломоносов - сделал немало открытий в разных областях науки, впервые сформулировал всеобщий закон сохранения материи и движения, создал молекулярно-кинетическую теорию тепла, основал науку о стекле.  2.  nikolay lobachevsky - created the geometry of lobachevsky николай лобачевский -  создал лобачевского  3. pabnuty chebyshev - made several outstanding discoveries in mathematics and mechanics. he created more than 40 mechanisms, many of which are used in modern automotive industry when creating devices. пафнутий чебышев - совершил несколько открытий в и механике. создал более 40 механизмов, многие из которых используются в современном автостроении при создании приборов.

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